Tag - 2016 Summer Adventure

Calgary Life & Home Again, Home Again Jiggedy Jig

After the craziness of the Stampede week, we stayed an extra five days in Calgary.  As a Calgarian said to us, “You need to see that we don’t always dress like cheap imitations of rodeo cowboys.”  But our real reason was simpler:  BIKE TRAILS! Calgary is crazy with bike trails.  Everywhere.  Hundreds of miles of bike trails...

Banff, AB Canada: Reflecting and Reflections

Ahhh, Banff.  A beautiful resort town in the Canadian Rockies, when compared to where we’ve been lately, the “big city” is a little overwhelming!  It’s trendy.  It’s busy.  It’s urban.  After having been in (relatively) quiet and desolate places like Jasper, we feel a little like the Unibomber, blinking and...

Jasper, BC Canada: WildLife and a WildStorm

At the north end of the Icefields Parkway, Jasper National Park is the embodiment of Canadian charm.  And what could be more charming that a cuddly grizzly bear, up close (but not too close) and personal (but not too personal)?!  Thanks, Yogi, for sauntering on by!   This picture shows the grizzly’s distinctive shoulder hump … but this...

Icefields Parkway, Alberta, Canada: C’est Magnifique!!

Canada has two official languages, English and French. Unfortunately, Philip has taken this to heart and generally speaks in English, but with a swarmy French accent (think: Pepé Le Pew after a two-day bender). But I won’t let this dampen my enthusiasm for our beautiful neighbor to the north! As we drive the 144-mile, world-renowed Icefields Parkway, I...

Roadside Montana: The Wacky, The Wild, The Wonderful

As we book it north through Montana at warp speed to get as far from Arizona heat as quickly as possible, certain roadside attractions just cannot be passed by! BANNACK STATE PARK GHOST TOWN Bannack (near Dillon, MT) is one of the best preserved ghost towns in Montana and is rich in history.  Over 50 buildings are still standing, each with a story to tell...