Charming Adventures

Hudson Valley, NY: Hanging With Royalty

Hudson Valley is just 82 miles north of New York City, and yet a world away. With small towns, historic sites and lush land, it’s where many suburbanites have gone for decades to escape the city. Here, we peeked into the life of royalty: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt (old money American royalty), Frederick and Louise Vanderbilt (new money American royalty)...

Narragansett, RI:  Itty-Bitty Stop in an Itty-Bitty State

Leaving Connecticut, we popped into Rhode Island for an itty-bitty stop in an itty-bitty state. Exactly how itty-bitty? Well, you could fit 173 Rhode Islands into the state of Texas alone, and Alaska has four cities that are each bigger than the entire state of Rhode Island.   Surrounded by the waters of Rhode Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean on the south...

Mystic, CT: More Than Just Pizza

Hello, Mystic, Connecticut! With your clever, mysterious name and Hollywood movie pedigree, how could we resist your seaside charms? You don’t really want to base nationwide travel plans on EITHER a restaurant or a Hollywood movie, except sometimes you do exactly that. Mystic is home of Mystic Pizza, the restaurant that inspired the adorable story of three...

NJ/PA: Pokin’ Into The Poconos

East Coast driving is stressful: bad roads, low bridges, insane drivers, toll booths, and more. The further we can stay away from adding packed traffic to our travels, the better to avoid this nonsense. 129 minutes to go 2.8 miles. WHAT?! Thus, leaving Delaware and heading to Connecticut, we took an extremely wide berth around the major metro areas of Philadelphia...

Bear, DE:  First Time in the First State

We were in Delaware for the first time on this trip.  It’s not related to Hunter Biden’s criminal trial, which was happening just down the road while we were here.  But before Delaware, we also had our first-ever visit to Maryland, where my brother Jeff and his wife Nicole joined us for the next month in their own RV. I now have three models to coerce into...

VA: Shenandoah Shenanigans

Shenandoah National Park Our bucket list has always included our country’s national parks, but it’s getting serious now: this is #43 of 51 in the lower 48 states. Hard to believe it’s been 11 years since we lost our national park virginity to Zion. Shenandoah is long and skinny, like Pete Davidson, or Abraham Lincoln during the worst days of the...

Damascus, VA: Trail Town USA

Our summer ’24 trail has brought us to “Trail Town USA,” also known as Damascus, Virginia, where seven — count ’em — renowned hiking trails intersect. Appalachian Trail Days Like the Pacific Crest Trail in the West, the Appalachian Trail (the “AT” to the cool kids) in the East runs north-South across the entire U.S...

Louisville/Lexington, KY: “B” Is For ….

We left Bardstown and all that bourbon, heading to Louisville and even more bourbon. Seriously, these people are bourbon batshit. But we were here for other things that start with B …. starting with a Beautiful Skyline! That’s the Belle of Louisville paddlewheeler in the front — you can cruise the Ohio River and go through the locks. What’s...

Bardstown, KY: Bourbon Capital of the World

There’s no liquor with such a strong American identity as bourbon, and so here we are, doing our patriotic duty. Kentucky produces over 95% of the world’s bourbon, and the tiny town of Bardstown is the self-proclaimed Bourbon Capital of the World, with the highest concentration of distilleries in the state of Kentucky — 11 of ’em within 16...