Ahhhh Taos, the epitome of southwestern charm and good vibes! Label us “delighted” to be here! But perhaps you’re having a different sort of day —that is OK, because Taos invokes a wide variety of different feelings, and you’re sure to be covered here! Allow us to eleborate!
Feeling low?
If you’re feeling low, how about getting high … REALLY high … by walking across the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, 800 feet above the river floor … the fifth highest bridge in the U.S.!

Feeling REALLY low?
But if you’re feeling really low (and not in a good way) and have come to the bridge with a specific purpose in mind, Taos has you covered in that instance as well!

Feeling touristy?
If ya wanna get your tourist on, Taos has a strollable, shoppable, eatable downtown sure to fill your every desire.
Feeling hippie?
If you never really left the 70’s behind, boy, have we got a town for you. Taos attracts droves of free spirits and those who haven’t showered in a while. They are gathered around the historic central plaza especially during Saturday morning farmers’ markets, ready to make your day with “Intuitive Poetry”! Name a topic — get a poem, written just for you on an old-fashioned typewriter!
Feeling cultural?
Although the Taos Pueblo is the oldest still-inhabited dwelling in all of America (with 150 people still living in structures made of straw-reinforced mud and timber-supported roofs), it was stillllll closed for Covid. No visitors, no tours, no nuthin! Cue the extreme disappointment! But, not to worry, the Native American influence is still everywhere you look in Taos.
Feeling restless?
If staying in one place gives you the heebie-jeebies, take a drive on the Enchanted Circle Loop Drive. This 84’ish mile, all-paved loop leaving from Taos takes you over high mountain passes through beautiful scenery, and gives the chance to visit some charming — albeit very different from each other — small communities along the way.
Feeling lonely?
If you like being around lots of people, have we ever got the cure for what ails you! Driving through the quiet serenity of the Loop, the town of Red River is a shock to the senses when it appears. Crowded with families running every which way, shops selling fudge and Christmas ornaments and trinkets and garish tie-die t-shirts, ice cream and go-karts and ropes courses, oh myyy!
Feeling patriotic?
The tiny little town of Eagle Nest, also on the Loop, is the perfect small-town atmosphere for your Fourth of July getaway. This is the kind of place where anyone (even Miss Sweet Potato 1970) can be in the parade — just show up! Where the food available doesn’t come from a food-service conglomerate — it’s a homemade BBQ lunch fundraiser for the Volunteer Fire Department. Where the best view is from the front of your very own Jeep … even if you’re a dog!

Feeling somber?
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Angel Fire (also on the Loop) was the first major Vietnam memorial in the U.S. when constructed in 1971, and helped inspire the creation of the national one in Washington D.C. in 1982. It was built on land owned and donated by a family in this area who lost their son in Vietnam.

Feeling earthy?
Then check out these homes buried into the earth! The Earthship Biotecture “eco-architecture” community of surreal homes will blow your mind! With solar and wind power, well insulated by being partially underground, greenhouse windows, upcycled materials like earth-packed tires and walls made of old bottles, these places have been around since the 1970’s. One of them has been made into a visitor center for touring, but the others are all still lived in by real people! REAL CONSCIENSCIOUS PEOPLE!

Feeling the global warming?
If you’ve been hot this summer, gosh, you’re not alone! With a global-warming, bubble-dome heat wave settled over us, even the Taos farm animals gone done dried up!
Feeling hungry?
If your tummy is rumbling, Taos has no shortage of incredible eateries (most notably the tiny La Cueva Cafe) — with the majority featuring green chiles in one form or another (green chile apple pie, anyone?). But our money’s on the Hispanic lady driving through the campground, selling tamales out of the back of her beatermobile! Uhhh huhhhh, you know the yummiest things come out of 1982 Honda hatchbacks!

This recalls our campground just outside Acadia National Park in Maine … some of the best fresh-baked pie we’ve ever tasted, sold by a doggy in the car window!
Feeling super-smart?
OK all you detectives …. ‘splain me this … how oh how do they get the Sea-Doo OFF the top of the 15-foot tall RV trailer? Ahhhh, “the Mysteries of the RV Campground” are never-ending!

Feeling psychic?
Summons up your intuition to figure out where we’re headed next! If you’re only partially psychic, we’ll give you some clues. It’s about 110 miles north, it’s in a different state, and it’s one of the lesser-visited National Parks. Stay tuned for our next post to see if your psychic abilities are on-point!

Oh you free spirits! Love your Are you feeling?….., feelings and the ways to indulge them! Your writing is as creative as your travel adventures and every thing you find so fascinating. It is a Great thing to be YOU! Give Sprinkles a kiss😘
Sprinkles sends kisses back!!!!
Beautifully done, as always. Tessa and Phillip find something interesting every where they go. Along with being travel guides, they are examples of how to find joy in things that we may not have given a second glance.
Sunshine for the soul.
Oh, aren’t you so sweet! And you are also one who notices the little things, the unusual things, the fascinating things!