At the north end of the Icefields Parkway, Jasper National Park is the embodiment of Canadian charm. And what could be more charming that a cuddly grizzly bear, up close (but not too close) and personal (but not too personal)?! Thanks, Yogi, for sauntering on by!
This picture shows the grizzly’s distinctive shoulder hump …

but this picture shows his deadly claws! Whoa! You don’t want a back rub from this guy!

The excitement of Jasper camping was surpassed only by the excitement of the Lucky Charm’s most unique visitors, stopping by for dinner (but not to BECOME dinner)!

Finding wildlife in this part of Canada is actually pretty easy. Look for a crowd of stupid people getting waaaay closer than is smart! These are “WILD” animals people, and highly unpredictable!




We also saw a super-cool wolf (but didn’t get a picture) and are still looking for caribou and moose, which are evident thus far only on the many warning signs saying they are all around (but where?).

The Jasper SkyTram atop Whistler Mountain was the “height” (get it?) of awesome views!

Yikes! We’re on top of the world!

As we were about to descend, a wild and wicked storm blew in, covering the mountain in sleety hail, and we were stranded in the tiny tram station at the top for over two hours! At cocktail hour! The injustice of it all!

Of course, the beautiful scenery continues and we are working hard not to become so accustomed that we take it for granted.
Picnicking at Mt. Edith Cavell

Sightseeing at Medicine Lake

Hiking at Maligne Lake
… see the bear claw marks on the tree?

And road biking the wide open spaces with nary a fear of drivers.

Jasper is our furthest distance from home of this summer adventure, at 1650+ miles. Because it’s so far north, it doesn’t get dark until almost 11:00 PM! To commemorate the longest day of the year, we took this photo on the summer solstice. Almost 10:00 PM and still light and bright out!

These fun camping vans are around Jasper (all different designs and mostly delightfully inappropriate), available from

It’s been a wild good time here, but we’ve moving on … next up, Lake Louise and Banff!
Thanks for the memories, Jasper!

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