It’s been a while since we’ve blogged, because it has been a while since we’ve RV’ed — last summer’s trip to the Northeast, to be exact. We did take a (rare, non-RV) European river cruise in October, however … spending time in Prague, Czech...

It’s been a while since we’ve blogged, because it has been a while since we’ve RV’ed — last summer’s trip to the Northeast, to be exact. We did take a (rare, non-RV) European river cruise in October, however … spending time in Prague, Czech...
It was time to (literally) dust off our cowboy hats and locate the pointy toe boots in the back of the closet. We attended a wonderful, down-home-style country music festival in Wickenburg, Arizona this past weekend. It was perfectly monikered as “Party in the Desert.” Yee-haw...
We journeyed to far southern Arizona, indeed just 30 miles shy of the Mexican border, to explore Tubac AZ, founded 1752, a historic/bohemian/artsy community “where art and history meet” but which we prompted re-tagged as “The Poor Man’s Santa Fe.” Here we...
We haven’t traveled in the RV since we returned from the Eastern Sierras of California in September, 2023. During that drought, we’ve been downsizing my 82-year-old parents from a huge house located an hour away, to a reasonably-sized house in our very own neighborhood. So...
The three months of Summer ’22 have flown by. 3,459 miles have ended in Flagstaff, Arizona, just a few hours north of our sticks-n-bricks home. We’re here for three things that all sound mighty delicious: chocolate (falls), walnut (canyon), and (birthday) cake. CHOCOLATE FALLS...
Heading back to Arizona from California, the last two stops of our 3-week trip were in Yuma (far southwestern corner); and Sierra Vista (far southeastern corner), where Philip was to participate in a three-day bike touring event. It was fun to be a part of the first-ever, inaugural...
2022 brought us a visit to Death Valley National Park, an area once described by The New York Times as “3 million acres of weird.” But first things first: meet our new family member and adventure buddy! Two days after getting Finn, a 10-week old English Cream Golden Retriever...
After a full month in Wisconsin, it was weird to flip the page in our atlas (yes, we still use a paper atlas) to a different state … in fact, a series of different states, as we spent the last ten days of this 11-week adventure meandering back to Arizona. But just because we were...
January and February had the three of us staying close to home, with a smattering of mini-adventures right here in good ole Arizona. We survived a terrible two-week rumble with Covid over the holidays, but that’s not why we’re staying “safer at home.” Instead...